Aesop Skincare
Overseeing a team of ten as Head of Creative to create campaigns, in-store and online assets, partnerships, and packaging, for customers around the globe.
Each year, Aesop produces a range of curated gift kits. ‘The Enigmatic Mind’ delved into the psychological investigation of gift giving: surmising a subject’s desires, testing by execution, and validating based on the recipient’s reaction.
‘All life is an experiment. The more you make, the better.’ Ralph Waldo Emerson
The Robber’s Cave Experiment (1954)
Common goals bring people together, as demonstrated in The Robbers Cave Experiment (1954). Two dozen twelve-year-old boys were pitted against each other for limited resources, after which researchers set out to defuse the tension. First, a ‘broken’ water tank was introduced, requiring the boys to work together toward a solution. Next, they had to make a democratic decision on the evening’s choice of films. Riding the bus home as a unified group, the boys confirmed what smart parents have always known – sometimes you need to create smaller problems in order to solve the larger ones.
The Capilano Bridge Experiment (1974)
Is it love or is it a shaky bridge?’, a question at the heart of the Capilano suspension bridge experiment (1974). To test whether attraction could be misattributed to a similar sensation, a female assistant interviewed two groups of males: one group on a low, stable bridge, the other on an anxiety-inducing suspension bridge. With hearts racing, the men on the suspension bridge were significantly more likely to express romantic feelings towards the assistant. So when considering potential suitors, do so with feet firmly on the ground.
The Colonnade at MONA
Appearing at MONA’s summer festival, visitors enjoyed complimentary doses of summer body care staples to help shield skin from the sun’s damaging rays.
“This structure pays homage to the colonnade, a series of spaced columns found in classical Greek and Roman architecture. It follows the path of the sun, casting shadows on the ground in line with the daily trajectory.
‘If the path be beautiful, let us not ask where it leads.’ Anatole France
Aesop 30 years: By the measure of a day
30 years of Aesop was celebrated with a gift of Primrose Facial Cream given to all customers on the 11 February 2017. In a manner befitting Aesop’s unwavering commitment to the finer details, thirty years was measured by the number of days.
Abacus Design
Stones below the line equal one unit, stones above equal five. The column of stones on the right represents the ones, the next column the tens, the hundreds, and so on. The abacus shown represents 10,958. 30 years by the measure of a day
‘The value of life lies not in the length of days, but in the use we make of them...’ Michel de Montaigne
Of Ink and Industry
In tribute to Sheung Wan’s printing past, two original letterpresses were sourced from the area, printing both Chinese and English poetry as to recognise Hong Kong’s dual languages and illuminate the beauty in both.
‘Ink is the blood of the printing press.’ John Milton
Nostos: Records of the self
Aesop was tasked with the Singapore Night Festival's theme of 'ten wonderful years’. Instead of looking to the past, we looked to the future, with a scent experience to mark the occasion. Lights warmed essential oils in handcrafted steel wells, permeating the space to create an environment of respite and reflection. When visitors happened across the ingredients in years to come, they would be instantly transported back to the moment — a moment expedited since Aesop Singapore stores featured the scent to facilitate immediate transportation.